Welcome! Watch this first.
Welcome to IDEA TO OUTLINE! This is your first video. The journey begins here.
Be sure to check back to this "Welcome Module" later, as there will be more announcements about additional features and added bonuses.
Each lesson will have an opening text introduction, but the meat on the bones will always be the video and any attached document. Not every lesson has a document attached, so if it does, consider it important.
We have kept most of the videos short, so you can take the class in quick visits, or binge through the whole thing. The choice is yours. But the real benefit of the short videos is the ability to go back quickly and easily whenever you need a refresher on a specific topic.
The longer videos ar near the end, and they are mostly case study videos that show how to put the lessons to work.
But for right now, I recommend you take this course as if you're sitting in a classroom and I'm about to start class. So grab a pen and a notepad and get ready.